NMSNA Bylaws



Revised November 2003, November 2004, July 2005, October 2005, April 2006, January 2010, April 2012, July 2013, January 2017, May 2024 


Article I 


The name of this organization shall be the New Mexico School Nurses Association (NMSNA). 


Article II 


  1. To promote effective school nursing services and improve the health status of children and youth, thereby supporting the education process. 

  1. To provide a group through which nurses engaged in school nursing practice can exchange ideas, seek solutions to common problems, and stimulate their professional growth and unity. 

  1. To provide communication and coordination between school nurses and other organizations and agencies concerned with health issues and education. 

  1. To provide leadership and consultation for collegiate programs to develop appropriate course work and facilitate clinical opportunities in the specialty of school nursing. 

  1. To provide a significant source of pertinent continuing education opportunities for professional school nurses. 

  1. To promote and support legislation which benefits the health and wellness needs of all school children in New Mexico and promotes and advances the specialized practice of school nursing. 

Article III 


The New Mexico School Nurses Association is a non-governance affiliate of the National Association of School Nurses (NASN). 


Article IV 

Membership and Dues 

Section 1 Active Member 

All nurses working in a school setting shall be eligible for active membership provided they are: 

  1. Licensed to practice as a professional registered nurse in the State of New Mexico. 

  1. Employed as a school nurse in the State of New Mexico. 

  1. Licensed as a school nurse per regulation of the New Mexico Public Education Department (exception private, independent or parochial school nurse). 

  1. Any retired member who desires to remain in the Active membership classification shall be required to pay full active dues and upon payment of dues, shall be granted active membership privileges. 

Active members shall be entitled to full membership rights, which include the following: 

  1. Voting 

  1. Holding office on the Board of Directors 

  1. Serving as Chairperson of standing or intermittent committees. 


Section 2 Associate Member 

A licensed practical nurse who serves with the primary assignment, the administration, education, or the provision of school health services, but who is not eligible for active membership, may be an associate member.  An associate member shall not be eligible to vote, hold an elected office, or serve on the Executive Board. 


Section 3 Retired Member 

  1. Any active member at the time of retirement shall be eligible to become a retired member, upon notification of the Association. 

  1. Any retired member who decides to remain in the active membership classification shall be required to pay full active dues and cannot have a lapse in membership. 

  1. In special circumstances as approved by the Executive Board, retired members shall be entitled to active membership rights including the right to vote and hold office on the Board of Directors. 

Section 4 Student 

  1. Must be enrolled in a professional nursing program to meet requirements to become a school nurse, or a student and not currently a nurse in a professional nursing program 

  1.  submit proof of enrollment in a professional nursing program with membership form 

  1. Be allowed a maximum of five years of student membership 

  1. Be ineligible for student membership if completed the requirements to be a school nurse and are pursuing further education 

  1. Students enrolled in a school of nursing and not currently employed as a school nurse on a full or part-time basis. 

  1. This status is not granted to those with a previous active membership and shall not be renewed more than once for a graduate nurse. 

  1. Students shall not be eligible to vote, hold an elected office or be on the Executive Board. 


Section 5 Dues 

  1. Annual dues for members shall include fees for state and national affiliationMembers will be advised of any changes in fees at a regular business meeting. 

  1. The membership year shall be for one calendar year from the date that dues are paid. 

  1. Retired and student member dues are reduced in accordance with NASN guidelines. 

  1. NMSNA dues shall be fixed by the Executive Board. 


Article V 

Fiscal Year 

The fiscal year will be January 1st through December 31stMembership year will vary according to the date of original membership application. 


Article VI 


Section 1 

The officers shall be President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Legislative Representative and National Association of School Nurses (NASN) Representative to the NASN Board of Directors. 

Section 2 

The terms of office for the President-elect and Secretary are for two years and elections shall be held on odd yearsThe Treasurer and Legislative Representative terms are for two years and elections shall be held on even numbered yearsThe NASN Representative shall serve a four-year term. The President-elect shall succeed the President to the office. The election of officers shall be held during the Annual Business Meeting and officers shall serve until their successors have been installed. 

Section 3 

Vacancy in office: The President-elect shall take over the duties of the President if for some reason there is a vacancy in that officeIf any other offices become vacant, replacements may be appointed by the President with approval of the board for the remainder of the termIf no successor is nominated or elected, the current officer may serve another term. 

Section 4 

The term of office and duties for all officers shall commence at the close of the annual conference or immediately upon their appointment or special election. 


Article VII 

Executive Board 


The Executive Board shall be composed of the elected officers, the immediate past president and committee chairpersons. 


The Executive Board may exercise the powers of the Association, except for business conducted at the annual membership/business meetings. 


The President shall report actions of the Executive Board to the membership at the annual membership/business meetings. 


The Executive Board shall prepare and adopt a budget consistent with the goals of the Association and shall arrange for an independent external review of the Association’s books/account program every even year.  In addition. The President and President-elect will review the Association’s books/accounting program yearly with the Treasurer during the Annual Conference. 


Article VIII 


Section 1 Executive Board Meetings 

  1. Unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board, regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held bimonthlySpecial meetings of the Board shall be called by the President or shall be called upon by three members of the Executive BoardA quorum shall consist of two thirds (2/3) of the Executive Board members. 

Section 2 Business Meeting 

  1.  NMSNA shall hold an Annual Business Meeting each year during the New Mexico School Nurse Association’s Annual Conference. 

  1. A second meeting shall be held upon recommendation of the Executive Board. 

  1. Quorum- At any meeting of the members, a majority of active members registered at the meeting will constitute a quorum. 

Section 3 Electronic/Virtual Meeting 

  1. With the approval of the Executive Board, meetings may be held virtually or telephonically as long as a quorum is present and all members can simultaneously hear each other and can participate during the meeting. 


Article IX 


Section 1 Standing committees shall be: 

Awards; Policy & Bylaws; Communications; Historian; NBCSN Liaison; Marketing; Nominating; Membership; Private, Independent & Parochial Schools Liaison 

Section 2 Ad-hoc Committees are to be appointed as the need arisesThe composition, term and duties of all committees shall be decided by the President and the Executive BoardExample: NM School Health Manual. 

Section 3 Committee chairpersons shall prepare an annual report for presentations to the general membership at the annual business meeting. 


Article X 


Section 1 The nominating committee shall regulate the election process, including any special election that might be heldThis would encompass notification of anticipated officer and committee chair vacancies including a description of job duties prior to the annual business meeting to all eligible voting members. This commit will oversee the nomination process and preparation, distribution, collection and counting of the ballots. 

Section 2 Nominations of officers and committee chairs can be made before and immediately preceding the elections during the annual business meeting. 

Section 3 Election of officers shall be conducted by ballot at the annual business meetingAll active members are eligible to voteIf there is only one nominee for a position, a method from Robert’s Rule of Order will be used (show of hands, verbally). 

Section 4 The person receiving the plurality of votes cast for any office shall be declared electedIn case of a tie, the winner will be determined by lot. 


Article XI 

Professional Consultants 

Professional Consultants may be retained as approved by the Executive Board including, but not limited to: 

  1. Accountant: A professional accountant shall be retained as designated by the Executive Board to prepare tax forms/reports and to perform an annual review of the Associations’ financial records. 

  1. Insurance Broker: An insurance broker shall be retained as designated by the Executive Board to secure insurance policies for the Association. 

  1. Per-Diem Consultants: Other consultants may be retained as designated by the Executive Board, i.e. administrative assistant, attorneys, strategic planning professionals, lobbyist, webmasters, etc. to aid in the completion of Association business that advances the practice of school nursing. 


Article XII 

Parliamentary Authority 

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert Rules of Order, shall govern the New Mexico School Nurses Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of the order the Association may adopt. 


Article XIII 

Bylaws Revision 

The bylaws can be amended by a two-thirds vote in a general membership meeting or special meeting with the proposed changes having been made available to the membership no less than 30 days prior to the meetingBylaws will be subject to annual review.